Staffing/Recruiter Policy

Policy for Staffing Companies, Recruiters, and Job SitesRedBalloon’s mission is to encourage and support freedom in the workplace. We connect like-minded businesses with Americans who seek the freedom to work where their constitutional rights are respected, and provide a positive workplace where merit and achievement are honored.Our job site is designed to serve businesses who are hiring, and job seekers who are looking for work. Staffing companies, recruiters, and other job sites are welcome to join the RedBalloon platform as “Employers” if they are able to -
  • Commit to posting jobs on
  • Guarantee that these jobs are with employers who believe they should respect their employees' Constitutional rights and provide a positive workplace where merit and achievement are honored.
If you want to post jobs from employers who value RedBalloon’s commitment to workplace freedom, then might be the perfect resource for you!In order to post jobs for an employer that you represent:
  • Sign up for an Employer Account at the top of the homepage
  • Our team will reach out to you for more information prior to your approval.
  • Once approved, you will be able to post jobs, track applications, search for talent, and make connections for the businesses you represent!
Are you a recruiter without jobs to post but still interested in finding freedom-loving employees? Feel free to contact us: [email protected].
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