Brand Strategy UnicornTenicor

Job Summary

Tenicor is on the hunt for the mythical Brand Strategy Unicorn--a rare blend of technical wizardry, creative flair, and strategic brilliance. This isn't your average role; it's for the unique individual who thrives at the intersection of communication, media, and strategy.


Components of Success

  • Strategic Thinker: You’re invested in using your creative problem solving and strategic skills to grow the bottom line. You’re willing to test, refine, and test again. You are curious and relentless in finding out what engaging, relevant content means for our audience.
  • Technical Proficiency: You’re familiar with the latest tools and are comfortable behind the camera, in front of DaVinci Resolve, editing in Lightroom, and managing info in Notion. You know your way around the technical details like the back of your hand.
  • Strong Opinions, Loosely Held: You have strong opinions on social media strategy and aren’t afraid to energetically advocate for them. You also know when to disagree, commit, and test it out.
  • Data + Intuition: You routinely collect and analyze performance data and use it to further inform and shape your intuition. You’re comfortable making a call based on your gut followed by careful measurement of the results.

Must-Have Qualifications

  • Gary V Devotee: If you don’t know and love Gary Vaynerchuk, this won’t work out. You’ve read “Day Trading Attention” cover to cover and it’s your brand strategy bible. You have consumed an unreasonable amount of Gary V content over the past year.
  • Hustler: You love to work. You love new ideas and challenges. You’re not content to sit around and wait for things to happen to you. You have an immense bias toward action, experimentation, and forward momentum.
  • Avid Consumer and Producer of Social Media: You participate on multiple social media platforms as both a consumer and producer. You see how each activity feeds the other. You don’t think social media is some “necessary evil” to be coped with but a massive opportunity to be seized.

  • Problem Solving1+ years
  • Strategic Thinking1+ years
  • DaVinci Resolve1 - 5 years
About Us

Why Tenicor?

Tenicor is a small, scrappy, American manufacturing company on a mission: create the best concealment holsters in the world and educate the professionally minded user.

We’re debt free. We think VC-money is poison. We won’t ever take outside investment dollars. We run Haas CNC machines, MacBook Pros, and Sony FX3s. We also use desks made out of olds doors and 2x4s, everyone takes a turn cleaning the bathrooms on Thursdays, and we’ll teach you how to shoot if you’re interested.

It’s weird. We like it that way.

Apply now and tell us why you’re our next Brand Strategy Unicorn.

Job Roles
Media-Journalism | Other
Maddox Transformers
Patriot Mobile
Moms for America
MxM News
Hillsdale College
Bahnsen Group